Extended Project Week 9:

 Extended Project Week 9:


  • jewellery finished

  • Wigs done (red and brushed out cas- talk about red problems)

Over the first half of today, I managed to organise my time wisely, which allowed me to finally finish the Fairy jewellery piece within a couple hours, mainly using this time to correct any mistakes and paint the finished product. I then made sure it Would properly fit the model as well as lay on her neck/chest as intended just in case any changes needed to be made before I used it in the final piece. It was then stored safely in the cupboard where all of our makeup is kept, as I don’t want any damage coming to it. 

Moving on, I followed my plan and used the remainder of my time to attempt to style the red wig for Undyne and the blonde wig for Cassandra.

I only had one, and only, attempt at styling the red wig into a ponytail, as that is what the character would have. However, it was much too thin to be pulling the chunks from the front as well as pulling it up as this would reveal the base of the wig, as well as split the wig into different pieces. As well as this, the wig appeared to have many layers to it, both short and long, which further prevented me from styling it as desired. Therefore, I decided to scrap that idea and just keep the wig down instead, as I still wanted it to be visible/somewhat similar to the style, hence why I kept two pieces at the front out. 


  • sketchbook work

  • Completed all annotations/images n everything that needs to be in there

Today I decided to spend my time working on my sketchbook, since all of my physical tasks had been completed, such as the wigs, jewellery and costumes. All annotations were finished and all images were stuck in, this was important for me to do as the context/evaluations given in these annotations is what counts towards my final grade.


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