Extended Project Week 5:

 Extended Project Week 5:


  • sorted out resources for presentation

  • 1pm did presentation

  • Messed up presentation big time

  • Blog

  • Planned how to use the craft foam

Today, we started off by using the morning to get our presentations ready for this afternoon. I headed to the LRC to reprint some of the pictures as they were too small in comparison to the size of the paper I was using. Then, I headed back into the room to begin organising (poorly ngl) the images into different sections. For example: one corner would be dedicated to one character (this, in total, took up 3 of the corners) including what the character looks like, the colour scheme, the designs and what work I have done so far for each of them. 

Then, at around 1pm, we decided to go ahead with our presentations.

(Isobel, Leah, fran, kassie, Emily, me, Paige)

Once we had all finished our presentations, I had decided to do some more research into how I should make the craft foam jewellery for my Fairy look. I first got the idea to use craft foam from a cosplayer on Instagram who had created a similar look to what I plan on doing, however I wasn’t too sure how much I would need, and what kinds of formulas would work with the foam (especially the acrylic paint I plan on using to paint the finished model).


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