Extended Project Week 6:

Extended Project Week 6:


  • bank hol Monday

  • Started making the jewellery for the fairy

  • Didn’t work so I did 2nd idea

  • Add pics

  • Finished making elf ears

  • Add pics

Although we weren’t in college this week, I still decided to spend some time trying to complete

some work, focusing on getting the fairy jewellery and ears done so that I can move onto preparing

any other designs/creations needed for the other two characters to ensure I had enough time to

create final designs and style the wigs ready for week 10, our final week.

The images above show (in order) my first attempt at making the base pieces for the Great Fairy

jewellery. After I had attempted to piece all of the separate pieces together, I decided to check to

make sure the jewellery would conform properly around my models neck and chest area. However,

when I did this, the amount of superglue used caused it to crack/split all along the top, bottom and

middle of the piece. 

Therefore, as shown in the image above (in order), I decided to use a different technique to make

the jewellery as I still had plenty of craft foam left over. This time, when trying the piece on

throughout this part of the creation of it, I managed to balance out the materials/formulas used so

far so that the details would stick, but would still be bendable, ready for application when I create

the final look. 

I then moved onto finishing the Fairy ears so that I could continue to focus on getting the jewellery

done over the next week or so. Although the first and third attempt didn’t go so well, I managed to

create the desired effect on the second and fourth attempt on making these ears, as seen below. 

The images above show the finished latex elf ears.


  • 1 to 1 feedback 

  • Planned out day

  • Improvement on blog

  • Printed pics for sketchbook

  • Worked on sketchbook

To start off today, I had a 1 to 1 session with my tutor. These are a way of checking where I am in

my ten week schedule and what I need to focus on/improve on as a way for me to be able to

achieve my predicted grade. 

Following up from this, I planned out my day and immediately went to improve my first few blog

posts as, pointed out in said feedback, I needed to add more context to my explanations in order to

improve my current grade. As well as this, I printed out anything I needed to insert into my

sketchbook as that was another point of improvement for me, starting work on it as soon as I got

the images printed. 


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